Youth Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Registration for the 2024-2025 year is now Closed

Contact the Religious Education office to inquire about Confirmation for next year.

Confirmation Registration

Confirmation Interviews will be held August 1st - August 16th for Year 1 and Year 2 students. Contact the Religous Education office if you still need to schedule your interview.

All Year 1 and Year 2 candidates must complete the Confirmation Registration Form to participate in our 2024-2025 year of preparation.

Suggested Offering for the 2024-2025 year is $80/Student

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the last Sacrament to be received before being fully initiated into the Church. Far from being an end to religious education or a graduation, rather, Confirmation is the strengthening of our role in the mission of the Church, which is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Confirmation meetings for junior high school students are generally held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month from 7PM -8:30PM in the Parish Social Hall.

Confirmation meetings for high school students are generally held twice monthly on Sunday from 8:30AM - 9:45AM in the Parish Social Hall.


Youth Confirmation Preparation

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation: A sacrament of initiation which completes Baptism. In it the gift of the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us. Anyone who freely decides to live a life as God's child and asks for God's Spirit under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with Chrism receives the strength to witness to God's love and might in word and deed. He/she is now a full-fledged, responsible member of the Catholic Church. (YOUCAT 203)

When is my child ready to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation?

Students, who are baptized in the Catholic faith, have received their first Reconciliation and first Eucharist, and who have reached the 7th grade are eligible to begin preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Sacrament preparation is a 2 year journey. Candidates will be Confirmed in 8th grade or older.

Where should my child prepare for sacraments?

Children should prepare for sacraments within the parish community in which they worship. Families of Confirmation candidates should be registered and actively participating members of Our Divine Savior Catholic Church. You can register your family by completing a parish registration form found in the gathering space of the church or from the receptionist in the parish office.  Families from other parishes may participate in our program with permission from their Pastor. Students preparing for Sacraments at Our Divine Savior who are registered parishioners with another Parish are respectfully asked to make an additional offering of $50.

How do I register my child for the Our Divine Savior Catholic Church Confirmation Program?

Complete the 1)Online Confirmation Registration Form and the 2)Sponsor Eligibility Form. 3)Schedule an interview with the Director of Religious Education.

Registration forms for Confirmation are due by September 4, 2024.

A copy of your child's baptismal certificate must be submitted to the Office of Religious Education even if they were baptized at Our Divine Savior parish. 



Online Confirmation Registration Form

Confirmation Calendar 2024-2025

Sponsor Eligibility Form

Sponsor Conversation #1

Sponsor Conversation #2

Saint Discovery Summary

About NET Ministries - Jr High Retreat

Diocesan Permission Form

ODS Parent Consent Form

SignUpGenius Service Opportunities

Service Log

FIRED UP-Confirmation Conference

Confirmation Conference Promo Video