Parish Garden

Welcome to the Our Divine Savior Parish Garden Page

Watch us grow!

Details and information will be updated below as this project makes progress.

Parish Garden


The Parish Garden is ready for planting!

Reserve your family’s 4’x10’ planter box. This is on a first come first serve basis. There are 20 planters available for reservation for the season. Each family will provide their own seeds, starters or plants and maintain their section. All planters have automatic irrigation. Sign-up for your planter box on the clipboard in front of the church.

The Slick Family has starter plants they will donate for the garden. Contact Dan Rodrigues, for more information.


Cartoon: Jesus Christ Concentrates While Blessing The People and Empty  Backyard Vegetable Garden Background | Clipart Images
There will be a formal blessing of the Parish Garden Sunday, April 24th after the 8am Mass. Refreshments will be provided by the Catholic Daughters and Knights of Columbus.