Liturgy and Environment

All children from 4th grade through high school are welcomed and encouraged to train and serve on the altar. Parent involvement is always needed and appreciated. Please contact Vivian Appleby at 530-570-6762 for more information.


Parishioners may remember a loved one or a special occasion with flower donations. This ministry purchases and places flowers and plants on the altar. Contact the office at 343-4248 for special requests.



The Mass is the source and summit of our faith. We are always looking for volunteers to help in these ministries:

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist:  Help the Priest and Deacon distribute the Precious Body and Blood of Christ.

Lector:  Proclaim the first or second reading during the Mass as well as read the prayers of the faithful.

Ushers:  Greet parishioners and guests, help find empty seats, assist with collection, and aid for someone in distress.

To learn more about these ministries and how to get involved contact Joanie Frericks, Liturgy Coordinator at 345-4283.


Music is a vital and integral part of our worship at Our Divine Savior. We use traditional music at our 5:00 PM Saturday,  8AM Sunday and 10AM Sunday Masses. Anyone interested in joining the choir or becoming a cantor is welcome. Choir practice is held every Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Contact Allison Ward at or call (530) 345-2176.