Holy Matrimony

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Marriage is a covenant or partnership of life between a man and a woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children.  When validly contracted between two baptized people, marriage is a sacrament (matrimony) (CCC 1601)


Engaged Couples

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Congratulations! You're engaged! Marriage preparation in the Catholic Church should begin at least 6 months prior to the date of your anticipated wedding. To begin Marriage Preparation at Our Divine Savior Catholic Church contact the office at 343-4248. 
The Catholic Church has established a number of basic requirements for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage. In order to fulfill these requirements, to ensure sacred celebration of the Sacrament and to facilitate preparation for marriage, click here to view guidlines for the Diocese of Sacramento.

Is my Marriage Recognized by the Church?

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Like other couples in your parish or family, you may be wondering if your marriage is fully recognized by the Catholic Church. Catholic Church law ordinarily requires baptized Roman Catholics to marry before a priest or deacon. Unless they received a “dispensation from canonical form,” Catholics who exchange vows in the presence of ministers from other religious traditions or civil officials are not considered validly married in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

Regardless of what happened in the past, the Catholic Church invites you to bring new meaning to your lives by embracing the vocation of marriage and dedicating your family’s mission to sharing God’s love.

Marriage Convalidation Group Ceremony

Learn more about how your civil marriage can be come a sacramental marriage. Join other parish couples from Our Divine Savior as they prepare to have their marriage convalidated in a nuptual Mass as we celebrate the World Day of Marriage in February. Click here to complete the Convalidation Inquiry Form. Contact the office at 343-4248 for further details and to get started now.

Marriage Convalidation Preparation Information

This online program is for couples seeking to validate their marriage in the Catholic Church.

"Convalidation is not simply a "blessing" of an existing union. It requires that a new, free act of consent be made." (USCCB)
The couple will learn about the obligations and benefits and the goods and requirements of the Sacrament of Matrimony while taking time to reflect and discuss how Christ will be at the center of their marriage. The course is a good opportunity for them to revive and rekindle their relationship.

A certified instructor couple mentors the couple via the Internet throughout the entire process. The course covers the theology behind NFP but it does NOT include an actual NFP training. $194 per couple

Click on this link to access the course

Online Marriage Prep | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA


Marriage Resources

For Your Marriage